The Method In The Office??

This year our littlest Man goes off to School and with it brings alot more time for me in my office amongst my vintage fabrics and loads of sewing bits.
So, the aim is to pretty this space up a little and I plan to start with these prints I have here. There are some others which I don't have frames for yet, but I really want the images to inspire me.

You remember I did make a start back around Christmas time with this mirror makeover?
Well I am planning to build on it and see where it takes me...kind of using my own "Method". The approach that I take to making my cushions.
Lets just hope it works for inspirational spaces!!
Ness xx
PS- Thanks to everyone for the wonderful support I received from my post the other day about The Method and my little diversion. I spent yesterday sewing so many cushions which you had ordered, enquired about etc trying to keep the shop stocked with them, but I had to admit defeat. I couldn't keep thank you xx