Merry Christmas...and some old/new jars

The stockings are hung, cookies, milk and carrots are out and fairy lights are lighting the chimney so Santa doesn't fall down ;0) and the boys are tucked in their beds while we elves work to get trampolines etc built before we go to bed.
Oh, and look what else I found recently....

Some old Fowlers jars with the old tin lids at the op shop for $3.00!!! I will be heading back to get some more as soon as they re-open. They have popped up all over the house since I got them home and I added some little white battery powered lights. They are so cute.

See, here in the hall way with a little bird friend...

...and here lighting the way for Santa tonight.
More white hydrangeas to make the fireplace look special for Santa.
I would like to say a huge thank you to everyone who takes a little time to read my blog, support my shop and inspire me in some way. Thank you all so much.
I hope you all have a wonderful Christmas and will see you all again very soon.
Ness xx