Pick-Me-Up Inspiration

image - oldbasics
Today because I am so ill I really need some inspiration, a pick-me-up, and thought what about some European inspiration? So here it is. I love this break front in the grey wash.

image - country living UK
Sorry, another Cupboard, divinely done in white and chicken wire.

image -Johanna vintage blog
This blog is beautiful. Johanna is the stylist for Mari Erikkson, who is a fantastic photographer..with a great blog too! That Chandelier is to die for.

image - unknown (sorry) I have this in my file as the Norwegian shop Lusylfyt, but I can't seem to get the page back up to check. If anyone knows and could let me know so I can fix it that would be great. I found a little cupboard in the Shed I have talked about where I got my recent treasures from (click here to have a look) but it was already sold. :( What a great little Attic nook for a cup of tea.

image - Slettvol
Loving this Hampton's styling in Norway. I love everything about this room. Are they the tea light holders from Ikea on the table? OOH! I have heaps of those! The wing back chairs look great in that bitter chocolate colour. I seen that a lot lately, wing chairs at the head of the dining table. The more I see, the more I am loving it. Anyway, hope you are all well.
PS- Take a look at my Etsy shoppe, I made some new cushions yesterday. I am going to make some for myself I love them.
Ness xx