Believe it or not this stunning loft apartment is in New York!! I know, you could be forgiven for thinking it was in the middle of Paris overlooking the Eiffel Tower. It belongs to Liz Dougherty Pierce and all of her pieces are hand me downs, vintage finds, from op shops and markets. She owns no new pieces, and what a result. I love the 'Suspendu' lamp that hangs over the Dining table. When Liz has guests, she just pulls over the muslin curtains to create a room divider without loosing the romantic charm of the loft.

Oh, to have pressed tin ceilings. Her small but beautiful Living area is fitted out with beautiful chairs, covered in White Duck (like you put on a canvas, which I think could be passed off as linen) as the space is too small for a sofa. Liz has added a Chaise instead. The statue is 'Diana, goddess of the hunt", found in Brooklyn. The Chandelier is from the 1920's.

This photo is stunning. Love the Chair (of course), the divine screen (hides the loft elevator doors) which shows a view of Toledo, Spain...and the puddle of beautiful curtains on the floor.

Everything you see on this table is second hand. Pieces are from New York, Montreal, hand me downs and flea markets. The Woman can hunt!

Loving this Louis XIV style chair. I think this would look just as nice in a sea side/ beach style home. The urn is gorgeous and the decorations inside are from Mexico. Tomorrow I am going to post Liz' makeover of this same loft apartment...it is just as gorgeous! So, these are now the before photos!!
Ness xx