Olive Grove In Manhattan NY

For those of you who have followed me for a while will know how much I love the styling and decorating of Olive Grove Retreat.
This divine slice of Provence was right here in Australia, Heathcote Victoria to be exact. Just over an hour from Melbourne and a heartbeat from France.
Sadly, OGR is no more. Its doors where stylishly closed to the public back in 2009, but it is still owned by Hairstylist Lazarus (Wesley) Douvos.

There are so many elements from this retreat that I fell for immediately.
The chalky hues, loads of white

The bagged walls, French fittings (a claw foot bath just like mine)

Serious charm

and the magic of thinking you are worlds away with the soft scent of Lavender wafting by on a warm evening, when you are actually not far from one of the busiest cities in Australia!

The interior  is just perfect...truly.
So, the other night while going through tonnes of emails I found one from the owner of this gorgeous slice of the earth, Lazarus!
Telling a little about the closure of the retreat and the move to NY. The two places couldn't be any further away!!
I also got a sneak peak in to Lazarus' equally stunning Manhattan apartment.
here it is....

The first thing that sprung to mind here was 'Tricia Foley'...immediately!
It is stunning...and you know I LOVE Tricia =0)

There are so many hints of Olive Grove Retreat as well...with a New York edge.

Lazarus, I am glad you are still lovin the tufting!!!

...and that panelling is divine...

ahh...it's Olive Grove all over =0)
This image, although a little blurry is a constant on my mood/inspiration board and fills me with ideas every time. I thank you for that Lazarus, and for letting me peak into your new Retreat on the other side of the world.
I hope you get back to Olive Grove soon.