Cocooning Decorexic...(GIVEAWAY WEEK)

...apparently I have it!
I have just finished reading an article with the latest catch phrases for we, that love beautiful homes. Decorexia, is basically someone with an unhealthy obsession with how a home looks! Homedulgence, is dressing up for dinner and indulging in beautiful things at home..and finally Drift Shopping, which is when you buy things just for the fact that they are there..not me!
With the global crisis thing happening, it seems we are 'cocooning' and indulging in the simple things in life and going back to the simple beauty that surrounds us everyday. Cutting flowers and food from the garden and making do, or making better what you already have seems to be the new decorating wave, if you call it new. I am going to show you some photos of what I think is cocooning it...
Now, most of us already lived by this, especially if you have a classic look in your home and don't follow the latest decorating trends...Modern Rustic, some like to call it. Even the cleaning cupboards in every ones homes are getting a serious re-think, and we are paring back to what is natural, cheap and effective.

Interior finishes are even going through the a la natural phase. Eco friendly paint that doesn't smell is becoming a big seller, as well as natural pigment paints and finishes that mimic lime washes and stone (not that really faux one) and bringing back a traditional take on interiors. We are seeing a huge move towards natural palettes and materials...I love it!

Mixing traditional finishes, modern and vintage finds is something that has been happening for an age, but it seems, finally the rest of them are getting it. This Kitchen is beautiful. Imagine whipping up a Sunday roast, with veggies and herbs picked from your garden in here? Me too!

The look 'Modern Rustic', is a loose term and can be whatever you want really, but basically it is collected over time, not the newest thing to have (except grain sacks for me..hehe), not hurried and has a feel that someone totally loves this space, it is lived in and has blemishes here and there, and is not prissy perfect. Then there is also 'Elegant Rustic'!!! I think I am a mixture of the two...with some French and Scandinavian and Australian chucked in for flavour.
Does this all make sense?
I would love to here what style you think you are.
Don't forget about my Giveaway being drawn on Friday...leave a comment to enter!
Ness xx
Images 1-4 Notebook
image 5 House to Home via Wind Lost