White (of course), wicker baskets, Hydrangeas in tin bucket, wooden console, propped up mirror, text (and a D for Declan), wooden floors, beaded board and industrial light.

To find a vintage flour sack cushion like this. A real deal one!

Create a living space that welcomes togetherness, comfort and that kick off your shoes attitude. Not forgetting the 'don't worry if you spill something, there slipcovers' philosophy. I plan to make our slip covers soon.

Something like this divine set of drawers, which I would paint a chipped duck egg green for my work room.

Me & Mo
Some beautiful pieces of silver, and mercury glass for a little shine.

You know how much I want one of these. This one has the perfect finish and fabric colour.
...and a statement piece for the kitchen like this delicious plate.
I could have carried this on for pages, but I will spare you all the pain of my lust list for another day. Ness xx