Another kitchen love of mine is our huge collection of ironstone and white serving ware. If it breaks it is easy to replace (no matching patterns). This Lasagne dish is the best $20.00 I ever spent I think and I use it for everything.

I bought these wooden wings at Christmas time and loved them so much they hang on the other side of our kitchen window.
Another love is this French newspaper pull out from 14th sept, 1902. It has never been folded, only rolled. It apparently is the piece the Ladies would get to read and has gorgeous patterns for lacework etc inside. It is a 8 page piece. I can only display 2. I got this for $10 off Ebay. I have questions to answer in this post...
1.What colour is the kitchen? Chalk white USA...but changing shortly, again.
2.Describe your kitchen? A mix of bad 70's wood, beautiful old world features, beaded borad ceilings, huge cook on fire and Tasmanian Oak floors.
3.Describe dream kitchen? This could take forever...I wont go there now.
4.Fave activity in kitchen? Cooking in winter
5.Name 1 thing it is lacking/missing? A brilliant oven.
6.Do you cook and bake a lot? Yep
7.What dont you like & what would you change? Really only the oven and paint the cupboards.
8.What do you love? The ceilings and the big fireplace
9.Worst kitchen activity? Cleaning oven and taking bin out
10.Tea or Coffee? Coffee
11. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate
12.Do you like to prepare food or eat it? both
13.Do you prefer to serve meals in the kitchen or dining? Depends what it is. Ultimately the kitchen.
Now I challenge...
I have also been tagged to show you my blogging space by Catherine and the Ladies at Porchlight Interiors.
This is about all it is...big 6yr old computer, glasses, coffee, diary, pen and colour charts. I will be getting a laptop soon so then it will be nowhere in this space (Mics Slot Car room).
I am suposed to tag others, but I think you have all done it. I would however love to see Brooke's blogging space. Ness xx