I just wanted to say a thank you to all of you who either left a comment, bought something from my Etsy shop, or emailed me and made an order.
Since yesterdays post on my little flour sack cushion (which I was a little worried about putting on the blog) I have been inundated with orders and requests.
This is wonderful. Because of the whole credit crisis thing, tourist numbers expected to drop off everywhere and all of the other morbid problems the world faces, we are going to hold off on the actual shop for a few months more and concentrate my efforts on the Etsy shop, online stores, supplying and Interior Consultancy...just til we see what happens in the meanwhile.
So thank you all again for thinking my blog and shop are worthy of your time
...it makes me smile.
Ness xx
BTW- the cushion has sold, but I am taking orders, just email me.