...that's what nearly happened when I seen this Home owned by the fantastic Gaynor Groome, who owns the even more fabulous 'Shades of Pale' in Sydney.

I have so many great ideas from this space for our impending reno. I am loving the Spanish legs on this table and those cute little wreaths. Just divine. I bet there will be some merry clanging of glasses in here over the festive season.

Those pewter-finish cast iron stools came from a French bar...I need to find one Pronto! The colour of the cabinets looks so nice against Gaynors custom mixed wall colour..so fresh and beautiful.
Tracey from Porchlight Interiors has a thing at the moment for black Kitchens...I wonder if she peed too!!

A fabulous use for an old garden urn. Gaynor can turn anything into a lamp, and has done so here with this French candlestick.

There are those Spanish legs again. I love her sense of style...not over styled or forced, just naturally beautiful...and she is not formally trained either.

This room is stunning and the bed is a star player. The fan on the sideboard is a piece of art in its self.

I didn't even notice the great lamp that Gaynor made from a French Fire dog. The first thing I saw was the suitcase (I have a thing at the moment)...tut tut!!

Christie's Ad or what?

Ahh! Belgian Linen sofa, crystal drop Chandelier and a fabulous Armoire just make any room don't you think? I could be inspired in here for days.

Another of Gaynor's lamps, is this one made from a wicker wrapped Demijohn. I love this sideboard and blogged about the exact piece in one of my first posts...what is wrong with Santa these days??

You are welcomed to Gaynor's' home by this fabulous display tressel table which is topped by an old elm warehouse door. The wicker baskets hold their wine. The candlesticks are made from Victorian cotton reels. Love the lamp base.

This magnificent basket once carried grapes in a vineyard at harvest.
I have been SO inspired by this home, that I am saving all of these pictures to hang on my inspiration board so I can see light at the end of our dusty reno tunnel. I hope this will see me through and keep me on the path of a dream.
Have a fantastic weekend, Ness xx