Yay! Here it is.
I have some sort of Shop. Seeing that our Shop won't be ready for a while (we didn't take the last shop, so we are still loving the first one, confusing I know) we , well I have decided to put all of my handmade things for sale in our own little Etsy Shoppe...click here to go there or at the right of the screen. I have been working on this all week, dying to tell you all, but couldn't because of my troubles last week. Well, now I can.
These pieces I have called History Tiles and are influenced by Sid Dickens...sort of. I have only a few pieces on there at the moment, but more will be added tonight and over the next few days. Please stop over there and let me know what you think... Please be gentle:))
I will be doing Wholesale and Custom orders for all my work if you are interested. BTW all the tiles are one of a kind.
Have a great day...Ness xx