The lovely Judith over at Paris Atelier blog has just given me this award. She has asked me to pass it on to 6 other blogs...they are rules...
1. You have to mention where you got it and tell them you have posted it
2. List 6 things you value
3. Pass it on to 6 other blogs...
My 6 values are,
Our sweet little men, the light of our lives. My Family (including my MIL and FIL) with whom I wouldn't be grounded and I would have no values.

Our 2 ever faith full Border Collies...love them
I will pass this on to...
Judy at Lily G, because her site is beautiful and her shop is on my to do list.
Brooke at Velvet & Linen, as I am really enjoying her new blog and her emails, and she is a fantastic Designer.
Shannon at Shannon Fricke, a great Stylist with a stylish blog.
Mel at Mels Rose Place, because she is so lovely and her house should be in a magazine.
Anne at Annechovie, her prints are so unique and lovely.
Cathy at Simple Things, Small Joys. Because her little charms and her house are delightful.
I could have picked more, but I think most of you have got it now.
I also received a 'I love your Blog award off Viera at VT Interiors, but for some unknown reason I can't get her site up to save the award...but thank you Viera. Have a great day, Ness xx