Hope you all had a wonderful weekend. Mine was very busy and relaxing at the same time. I ventured off to Evandale Markets with my bounty of goods and also with some new display pieces.
These boxes above were made by my sweet Dad while he was here for me to take to the markets and give some height to my displays. They were made from old Tasmania Oak beaded board ceiling planks pulled from our old home.
On them I printed some of my cushion designs, inside and out in a linen colour to tie in with our range and the palette I use with my fabrics. The finish on them has been left. I didn't want them to be polished and shiny...not me at all. I like that weathered appearance.
So off to market they went...
I loved then in the display. I had my 2 little Fowler's jars inside them, filled with white lights, but you cant see them very well as this was early in the morning while I was still setting up and moving stuff around. They will be better when I am at indoor markets.
Usually I have linen curtains surrounding 3 sides of the gazebo, but didn't take them this time.
Some new covers came with me, like this one with the Ampersand on it. Which is made with gorgeous linen and a beautiful blue and white ticking stripe. I also had one of the bird lumbar covers (behind the & cushion) which was made with an Amy Butler fabric. Luckily I made more than 1 of each!!
I was a little sad that I didn't get a good shot of the tags hanging on the Eucalyptus branch off to the right of the shot. It even had some little blossoms on it and worked so well with my white tags.
All in all it was a great day, and strangely relaxing as well...and I even got to get rid of some of the 'stuff' that was clogging my cupboard in the office at the front there =0)
Gotta love that!
Ness xx
all images- me