LAST CHANCE FOR GIVEAWAY...and my new friend

Tomorrow the wonderful Ramsign Enamel sign giveaway will be drawn.
Make sure you enter by commenting on the post before this one (just scroll down).
While I was working away in my office, making more mess, on some new tags for the Shop
see above image of one
I could hear a noise of a little bird chirping and it sounded really close.
Got up and looked out the window to see this little guy
How cute is he/she?
I put my hand up to the window and it was so calm and just looked at me.
I even had time to get my camera and take a photo.
He sat there for about 5 minutes just looking at me and didn't seem phased at all
by the big human peering at him.
He eventually flew into the big tree right outside my windows to be with his family (he is only a young one)...after leaving me a deposit!!!
Still, he is SO cute.
I just thought it was such a privilege to have been able to be so close to something so wild and free and it not be scared at all....beautiful!
Ness xx