How gorgeous is well worn wooden floors against white?
This has to be the perfect image of rest for me, not that I will be getting much over the next few days.
Some of you may know that my other job is Personal Trainer. Yup, I am the one who whips you into shape either in a one on one basis or in a group class setting. I have been doing this for a
l o n g time now and love it.
Tomorrow I am heading to Sydney to do some more training and will be gone for a few days. Im sad to be leaving Mic and the boys behind, but happy to be seeing my Family again.
My Mum and Dad left yesterday. This is me and my dear Dad right before he walked out of the door. Mum and Dad appreciated all of the comments you have left about what they have found and restored.

Here is my sweet Mum.
I thought you might like to see what they look like seeing I am always talking about what amazing things they have found.
Mum and Dad.....
So I wont be back until Monday. I hope you have a safe weekend and if you are in the flood zone here in Australia, please stay safe. Our thoughts are with you.
Ness xx