Handmade Living Gift...

not gloating at all but,
I WON this amazing book over at My Uncommon Slice Of Suburbia!!!!
Miss Kristin has drawn my name as the winner and I couldn't be more pleased.
As I am not very lucky when it comes to giveaways, I never expect to win and usually just leave a comment in the giveaway posts as a supportive sort of thing...but I won.
For those of you that don't know of this book it is a must have/get. Tania McCartney is a fellow Aussie and creative that has a loyal following of crafty people who find lots of inspiration from this amazing Woman. Not only is this book full of gorgeous images, but it has loads of amazing things to make and I can not wait to get it. I have recently joined as a follower of Tania's blog and have been enjoying reading it of late.
To find out more about this book head over to Kristin's blog to see more.
Thanks Kristin...what a Christmas gift =0)
Ness xx
oh by the way, what do you think of the new logo at the top? It is the new shop logo. I wanted it to have a simple look and seeing I love old typewriter fonts so much, thought this would be fitting.