It's A Complicated Garden...

G'Day Poppets!
I am in the mood for diggin.
I know, it is Autumn here in Australia and we woke to a serious frost  here in Tasmania and the last thing I should be thinking of is gardening, let alone building a veggie patch!
Not sure what it is, but Autumn always makes me want to garden.
Anywho, I am in full veggie garden want and have been doing a little bit of planning and researching into the way I will shape this little plot.
One things for sure I want it to look nice and reflect the era of our old home.
This picket fence looks great, but wouldn't work for us. I do love it though.

It's Complicated garden

From experience building our last garden, I am sure I will need some gravel or something through the beds that I don't have to mow. That was a nightmare!
Ever since I seen the veggie patch in the movie It's Complicated I was hooked and it started me thinking about rebuilding ours. That was a while ago...not in Autumn ;0)

Raised beds is the way to go here and Brooke's garden is a delight.
The idea of a little spot to sit and ponder the next plantings I like.

One thing is for sure....I will be including some climbing frames, homemade style, and hopefully a cold frame
...but that's another post!
I you have any tips, tricks or ideas I can try for this little garden of ours, I would love to here from you.
Need all the help I can get that's for sure!