An Autumn Weekend

Autumn is well and truly here in Tasmania, Aust. Last night I even contemplated putting the electric blankets on! This morning we woke to a cold morning, and I had to put the heater on.
So I thought these photos by Landscape designer Katherine Field would be fitting to welcome in an Autumn weekend. I can picture us all lounging around this pit fire with the boys' roasting marshmallows, watching the last glimpse of sunlight go over the hills. Then this house takes on its own.....
...when the lights come on!
We will be off to view the Glover Prize Art Show at Evandale, then to the Homespun Markets, also to buy some handles for the French doors and finally home to potter around and get a few things done.
This week I am going to have a giveaway!!! =0)
So come back on Monday to find out more about it.
I hope you all have a lovely weekend planned.
Ness xx