While we have been renovating our home we have been thinking about what to do with our Kitchen to make it 'do', until we can totally re do it. We will paint the doors white and dress it up with some new hardware, but ultimately I am not sure what we will end up with...but I like these Kitchens.

image - Kitchen Bath Ideas
This one for the colour (obvious). I'm not usually a fan of over heads, but these ones look like a window and I would still be able to see my white iron stone. I have always wanted silver hardware and accessories too, and definitely a silver bridge tap set.
This one for the colour (obvious). I'm not usually a fan of over heads, but these ones look like a window and I would still be able to see my white iron stone. I have always wanted silver hardware and accessories too, and definitely a silver bridge tap set.

I adore beaded walls (tongue and groove in Aussie) and LOVE this kitchen!
Don't think I would change a thing.
image - Kitchen Bath Ideas
Old world bliss, and the colour of the cupboards is very welcoming and homely...all it needs is a big roaring fire in the corner somewhere. The glass feature under the range is lovely.
image - Kitchen Bath Ideas

Old world bliss, and the colour of the cupboards is very welcoming and homely...all it needs is a big roaring fire in the corner somewhere. The glass feature under the range is lovely.

This reminds me of my Auntie Eileen's home which I always have loved as a child and even now.
This island is way too long to fit our kitchen, but I adore the turned legs and bin pull handles. The colour of the wood goes so well with the ceiling beams don't you think?
I shudder to think of what we are in for when we do our kitchen, so I will be happy just painting it and pretty-ing it up for now!!!
Ness xx