For those of you that know me by now...I love storage! Especially when it is aesthetically pleasing and useful as well. I am not one for walls of built ins, but prefer open display areas that incorporate beauty, function and form to morph a otherwise blank or awkward space into something pleasing to the these...

This display uses everything I hold dear in decorating. Storage in chunky wicker baskets, worn white painted console, vintage text, lovely old chairs that aren't a match...and loads of interesting 'mini displays' to catch your eye where ever you look.

Kitchens are somewhere I do like some built in storage. I do, however still like to keep small areas where I can put out vintage white iron stone, flowers, and fruit like this photo.
The black unit is so striking against the white and fresh apple greens.

We have an awkward spot in our home. Because of the age of the Old Lady, this corner slopes like no tomorrow, so you can't have a little cupboard or table unless you want to use a car jack to keep it straight! This window you see here will eventually be our double French Door's (yep- still waiting!). So for the meantime I have used some old suitcases I picked up at my favourite haunt for $3.00...for two!! These are now used as storage. Above are some of my favourite birdhouses, some my Dad made. I have had those pictures for ages (about 10 years we are talking) still in the plastic and didn't know what to do with them, until I chopped them down to fit some frames I rubbed back. They look a lot better, so does the space, I think.

What a wonderful collection and a beautiful storage space. I would love something like this built in our Kitchen somewhere. Just think, no Kitchen dust on your lovelies, you can still see them, no one can break them, and people now what to buy you when the are stuck for a present!! Don't you just love it??
Ness xx
ps - I am going to take a bit of time off from the shop, as I have a mountain of orders to catch up on. If you do want something, just email me. I will let you know when I will be back in action with my fully loaded shop. I will have some new products for you all to see as well...stay tuned!!