seeing that one of my favourite mags,
Country Home, is about to fold. I have been looking through their files and came across this Swedish lovely. Loads of honey coloured wood, white and interesting pieces caught my eye. Like this hallway with it's beautiful warehouse style windows that floods the space with light.

Loads of shiny stainless against the warm wood works so well with white. I love the little calcium glass light shades above the work area.

The bead and board walls gives another element to the Master Bedroom. I love that bench seat, and the sisal mat gives the space some warmth.

The master bath is stunning. Carrara Marble sinks and bluestone floors are divine.
Behind this wall there is a walk through shower which comes off from the Bedroom...cool!

A little nook in the bathroom which the owners have seized as a useful display area and also for storing white fluffy towels.

Another angle of the bathroom. I love the bath, not sure about ALL the marble (reminds me of a morgue) but lovely none-the-less. I do like the wicker roman blinds though :)

I could definitely eat my Weet-Bix here and peruse the weekend papers.

The living room is beautifully simple. Honey floors, picked up in the frames and Chaise, and anchored by the sisal rug. The little hits of red keep the space from becoming too bland. There are loads more photos of this home.
Click HERE to see.
Let's hope no more magazines will bite the dust any time soon.
Have a great weekend...I am on sick watch as our baby is now ill...
When will it end!
Ness xx