I thought I would give you some insight into what we were dealing with when we started our makeover/reno on our home via a before and after gallery.
This process has so far taken nearly 6 years and we are still not done..
we did have 2 babies in that time frame, so I guess we are doing ok.
Here we go....

This is the fireplace in the Kitchen that I had mentioned in a previous post
makes great winter stew.
I took a leaf out of Tricia Foley's book and painted the
back of the fireplace in a stone colour instead of the black that was originally there...
and got rid of those mice paintings.

We took out the dodgy arch and put in French doors, and a huge over light, re plastered
as there was only 2mm thick fake wood paneling throughout, and lightened everything up.

This is the fireplace in our Bedroom (which is actually the main living room..we borrowed it).
We haven't done a lot in here yet just painted that horrid purple/red white, ripped up the prostitute red carpet and painted the floor boards white, painted the fire surround white and the bricks the same stone colour from the kitchen.

One of the first things we done was got rid of that horrid carpet and polished our inch thick Tasmanian Oak boards. You can see our all white paint makeover too.
Our Kitchen lost the shelves and got lightened up a lot. We added picture rail, chair rail and deep skirting boards throughout and some deep cornices to bring back a little of the character of our home. We still have to paint the Kitchen doors
Our Kitchen lost the shelves and got lightened up a lot. We added picture rail, chair rail and deep skirting boards throughout and some deep cornices to bring back a little of the character of our home. We still have to paint the Kitchen doors
white, and the table and chairs will get a makeover too...
we will get there! I will show you some more photo's soon.
I would love to hear what you think so far,
Ness xx