I thought I would show you some of my Christmas decorating, albeit very small. I took these photos with no flash, at dusk, so they are a little dark..sorry in advance.
This is our huge Fireplace in the Kitchen (makes the best stew in Winter). I always put this garland which has lights through it here. With all the lights off, the glow is amazing. My little wreath is very simple this year with a white ribbon with grey swirls.
Our tree got a huge de-clutter this year. I have just gone with gold, touches of silver and a few coloured/silver balls. I plan to have all gold, clear and silver for next year...oh, and it is a new tree, smaller than the last (from 7 foot to 5 1/2 foot). This window will be one of our French doors soon, so I don't know where I will put the tree next year.
A big cream and gold trimmed bow, and gold beads, and lots of white lights....
This is our huge Fireplace in the Kitchen (makes the best stew in Winter). I always put this garland which has lights through it here. With all the lights off, the glow is amazing. My little wreath is very simple this year with a white ribbon with grey swirls.
Our tree got a huge de-clutter this year. I have just gone with gold, touches of silver and a few coloured/silver balls. I plan to have all gold, clear and silver for next year...oh, and it is a new tree, smaller than the last (from 7 foot to 5 1/2 foot). This window will be one of our French doors soon, so I don't know where I will put the tree next year.
A big cream and gold trimmed bow, and gold beads, and lots of white lights....
...and a capiz shell star to top it all off.
Oh, and don't forget my 'girls', which sit atop the Fireplace.
Oh, and don't forget my 'girls', which sit atop the Fireplace.
We haven't done too much this year because of the renovations...but I like it.
Ness xx
images - by me!
images - by me!