Glorious Rooms, Beautiful Style.

image - Brad Ford

What an entrance. The room as a whole is stunning, and shows of the balustrade beautifully. I really like the quirky little side table thing next to the chair in the foreground...different.

image- Nancy Fishelson.

Country at its finest. I can totally picture this room nestled in an old American Saltbox, complete with a red barn and cute cupola on the roof.

image - Notebook

This photo is actually from The Olive Grove Retreat, in Victoria NSW that I have posted on before. Click here to have another look-see. I adore French styling, especially the white, fawn and muted tones they effortlessly put together.

image - Hickory Chair via Belle Maison Blog

Where does one come by that gorgeous fabric on the sofa? Oh, I LOVE this room. Everything works. I would cover the footstool though in a bleached ticking stripe.

image - House Beautiful

White beaded walls do wonders to old homes, as we have found with our own renovations. It has worked well here too. Lots to love here, the basket, that ice green throw, the carpet/rug, nightlight....Ok, I'll shut up now. Have a great day. xx